If you notice a significant problem/bug you can help us to resolve it faster by:
- Visit the web page of the application with which you are having problems (e.g.: visit extemp.prepd.in if you are having problems with Extemp)
- After the page loads, right-click anywhere and select Inspect from the drop down menu
- Note: If your issue is on the Fast Catch extension, please first visit the page of the article you are trying to catch then open the extension. After it loads, right click on the body of the extension and select "Inspect"
- In the window which appears, click on “Network”
- Sign-in and continue using the application until the point where the problem arises
- Look in the Network window and you should notice some of the items in the list appear in red (meaning an error has occurred at that point)
- Click on the red items to open them and take a screenshot (in the window which appears, click between the Header and Response tabs and take screenshot of each.
- If needed, feel free to scroll through the logs and take more screenshots in order to get all the information
- When taking the screenshot, we recommend including the whole screen (web/page, address bar, browser menu, start (task) bar, etc.) as we can sometime notice some details which can be helpful.