The Precedence Tracker is a widget found in the lower right corner, which helps you keep track of all the speeches that were given (bill number, side and time) and the precedence order. The Tracker will automatically activate itself when a Round is started, but you can also start it outside the round by clicking the fifth (arrows) icon from the left side navigation bar. When the Tracker is used with a round, the Bill option will populate with the bills added to the round. If the Tracker is used outside a round, the field is disabled.
The Precedence Tracker will remain active if the round is closed, until you close it yourself.
The precedence tracker will start in bottom right corner of the page.
1. Your Precedence - this number (which is also visible when the Tracker is minimized) will show your own precedence (according to the sorting option) or T-x is you and other legislator(s) are tied for the x-th place. It is calculated automatically as you add speeches or questions, so you won't have to worry about keeping track during rounds.
2. Sort by Precedence/Questions - quickly arranges the list of legislators by their precedence according to either speeches they gave, or questions asked.
3. Timer - The timer is defaulted to the standard 3 minutes for a Congress speech. Every time you click to add a speech for a legislator, the timer starts automatically. I will also be visible when the Tracker is closed, and it will flash and change color to mark 1 minute, 30 seconds and 10 seconds left. The buttons next to it allow you to pause or reset it.
4. Settings - gives you a quick way to either Clear the activity (delete all speeches and questions) or Reset Round (remove speeches, questions and legislators)
5. Search or add legislators - this field will allow you to either search for existing legislators or add new ones (more at once by separating their names with a comma)
6. Legislator details:
- Click on a legislator's name to open their details
- Next to their name, you can always see how many speeches have they given and how many questions they have asked so far.
- The two buttons as the end allow you to quickly add a speech and a question
- In the 3 dots menu you will find option to edit or delete the selected legislator or set them as a Presiding Officer
- The speech details are editable, so you can quickly change these details for better tracking. When you add a new speech, the bill will be set to match the previously given speech or remain the default if no speeches have been given; the side will be set as either Pro (if it's a new bill) or adjust between Pro/Con to be the opposite side of the last speech given for the bill; the timer sets itself for when the speech was added. The trash-can icon will remove the selected speech.
- Similarly, you can edit the time a question has been asked, or delete it from the trash-can icon.
To close the Precedence Tracker, click on the same arrows icon from the left side bar which activates it.