Only Coaches can add members to a team. If you are a student who wants to join a team, please contact you coach or read this article.
- Log into your account in the Classroom application
- From the Home page, click on "Invite new members" tab
- On that page, fill in the email of the user you want added in the “Invite by email” section (if you are inviting more people at once, separate each email by a comma; every time you add a new email, it will appear in a list on the right side)
- Click "Invite" (a new item will appear in Pending invitation section, from where you can re-send the invitation email or delete the invite)
- Once a student receives the invitation, they will have two options:
- if they don't have an account, they will have to follow the link from the email and create their account (using the same email address)
- if they already have an account, to click on the link from the email and log into their account
Note: If a student wants to join a team, the coach must accept their request, which is sent by email. If you want to quickly add students to your team, share your Team key with them and they'll be able to join more easily. (Click here to learn more about the Team Key)