To renew your membership, please follow these steps:
- Using Chrome, log into the Classroom at
- From the left-side navigation bar, select the "Billing" button
- From the Billing page, select the "Renew Membership" button found in the lower side
- Follow the steps in the "Renew Membership" pop-up to renew your membership (select the apps you'd like to use and your preferred payment method). According to the selected payment method, you will:
- Be charged immediately and receive your receipt through email, if you choose card.
- Will be emailed an invoice immediately and will have a 30 days window to finalize the payment, if you choose any of the check options.
- If you choose the Purchase Order option, please email it to You will still receive the invoice through email immediately after processing your purchase.
- Your membership will be renewed automatically, regardless of the chosen payment method.
If you choose to do an early renew (more than 30 days before your current one expires), the membership will be prorated accordingly. This allows you to renew whenever you feel comfortable, without losing any money. When you renew, you may also change your membership's configuration, if your team has changed its size.
For more information on our payment options and policies, please visit this page.