If there are Dockets you cannot find, you can use the Request Docket button, located in the upper right corner of the Add Docket page, and we will add it. Alternatively, you can also send an email to hello@prepd.in (or use the ticketing system on this page) with information about the docket(s) you need (files).
Please include the link to the docket(s) (or files) when you make a request, as it helps us find it and upload it faster. Make sure the link you provide is accessible to us:
- do not a link to a file on your device (any links similar to "C:\Users\[...]" or "file:///")
- if you are linking to a Google Drive file, make sure the link is generated with the Sharing option (Editing rights). In case of such dockets, we recommend sending the file directly through email at hello@prepdin