In the “Apps Settings” page, you'll find some settings for the News Feed and the Congress app. To access the Apps Settings page, log into your account on the Classroom app (available only to team's coaches), click on the gear icon to access the Settings page and, from there, switch to "Apps Settings". From this page, you can quickly download detailed activity Reports for a set time-frame.
You can now adjust the age of articles that the News Feed will save. By default, all teams are accessing articles that are up to 6 weeks old. You can increase this to 8/10/12 weeks, or lower it to 4 or 2 weeks. If you lower the maximum article age, News Feed will perform faster. If you increase it, you’ll get more articles but it will be slower. You may also disable the News Feed to shorten sync times, if you feel like you won't be using it.
From this page, you can also adjust settings for the Magic Highlights, turning them on or off, or enable which of the Reading Exercises you want to have available when marking articles as "Read".
Coaches can also select whether students' Congress Speeches are, by default, public (accessible to all team mates) or their privacy is at the student's discretion. If the toggle is "On", students will be able to make a speech private when they create (or edit) it and other team members will not have access to it. A similar setting is available for the Congress Arguments feature, and it can be found directly below the Speeches option.