If you are not part of a team, are home-schooled, or simply compete in certain events without your teammates, you can always opt for an individual membership.
If you don't already have a Prepd account, please visit this article to see how to create your team when joining Prepd.
The Premium One gives your all the perks of a Premium team (access to 250,000 articles at any give time, unlimited dockets, thousands of speeches, etc.) but at a lower cost - $25 for a single active app, or $35 for both Extemp and Congress.
To create your Premium One, follow these quick steps:
- Log into the Classroom application
- Open the (default) Home page (when you are not part of a team) or visit the Billing page (by clicking on the "Billing" icon from the left-side navigation bar)
- Click on Upgrade to Premium One
- Follow the steps within the Premium One modal to upgrade your membership