How often do you read an article and stumble across an interesting fact that you would like to commit to memory? The name of a foreign leader, a key economic figure, the date of an important event… Now, Prepd makes it super easy to actively learn while you read.
With the Memory Bank, you can extract “Memories” from article content and review them at a later time.
To create a memory, simply highlight the article content that you would like to memorize. From the highlighter menu, click on the brain icon.
You’ll be prompted to type in a question. The content you selected serves as the answer. Finally, select a topic area to categorize the memory, and you're done!
Later, when you want to review your memories, simply open the Library and click on the brain icon in the left navigation bar. You can review memories from a list, or click on the “Change to flashcard view” button to view your memories as flashcards.
Be sure to click on the filter icon at the top to open filter settings. Finally, once you’ve learned a memory, click on the brain icon on or near the memory card to mark the memory as “Mastered.” From the filter menu, you can filter out memories that you've mastered to review only the ones that you are still studying.