To get started, make sure you have a Prepd account! Visit our Sign Up page and join Prepd.
Fill in the required information, email address (please provide a valid email address, as you will be asked to confirm it), password and name and click on “Continue”. You will be asked to confirm your email address on signing up. This can be easily done in two ways:
- click on the link from the confirmation email
- type in the confirmation code in the next step (on this step you can also resend the confirmation email, or change the address if it is incorrect)
After you email has been confirmed, your account is created and you can proceed to further configure it to better suit your needs:
If you are a coach, you can continue with setting up a new team, or take over an existing one. If you choose to create a new team, you can quickly set up a Free or a Premium Team
As a coach, you can also join an existing team.
If you are a debater, you can choose to join an existing team, or upgrade your account to Premium One (the best option for solo debaters).
- if you want to join a team, you can do so either by typing in its Team Key (and joining automatically) or searching for the team info and sending a request to join to your Coach.
The final step in setting up your team or Premium One membership is configuring your folder categories. For more details on how this will affect your organization later, please visit this article.
Next step is installing the chrome extensions.