Prepd offers 4 membership types:
Free One – this is the basic account you first create to have access to any Prepd
applications, with the following limitations:
- 1 person
- 50 articles (in your account at any given time)
- 15 Congress speeches total (in your account at any given time)
- one Congress docket in your collection
Free Team – the free team is a chance to Coaches to try out the team account, along with their students, and discover how Prepd can help their debating activities. The free team has the same limits as the Free One account, with the possibility to add more members to your team:
- 100 articles (in your account at any given time)
- 15 Congress speeches total (in your account at any given time)
- one docket in your collection
Premium One – this is the option for individual debaters, who need the access to thousands of articles. The limits are 1 person, 250,000 articles, unlimited Congress Dockets and 10,000 saved speeches. When you choose to upgrade to Prepd you will have the option to choose which application you want to activate – the one you don’t choose to buy will still be accessible, but under the same limitations of the free version.
Premium Team – the premium version of the team account gives you the option to customize your limits to better fit you and your students’ needs. When purchasing a Premium Team, you will be able to choose the maximum number of students and the application you are interested in. The limit for article for a Premium Team is 250,000, regardless of the number of members in that team.
For more detailed information about each of the plans, please see our Payment Policies.