You can quickly add an article to any of your Extemp folders, either when catching it (or uploading it in the case of PDF files) or later, from the Library application.
To add the article from the Library application:
- Visit the Library app
- Click on the “more options” (3 dots) icon next to the article you want to add to Extemp
- Alternatively: with the article open (i.e. from the Article View), click on the edit article (pencil) icon on the top bar or the Extemp icon from the lower navigation bar
- Select “Save to Extemp” from the drop-down and a new window will open
- Search for the folder you want to save the article to (or create a new folder by typing its name, selecting a category and clicking the '+' button)
- Click on the folder(s) and confirm by hitting "Save"
Note: Please be advised, de-selecting a folder will remove the article from it. If you save the changes with no selected folders, the article will be completely removed from Extemp, but still found in your Library.
To add an article when catching (or uploading it):
- Use the Fast Catch (PDF upload) as usual and, after the article has been caught (uploaded), on the “Success” page, you will see two icons representing each of the applications.
- Click on the Extemp (orange clock) icon to open the “Save to Extemp” window
- Find the folder(s) you would like to save to (or a new folder by typing its name, selecting a category and clicking the '+' button)
- After you have selected all the folder(s) to save the article to, confirm and you are done