If you don't already have a Prepd account, please visit this article to see how to create your team when joining Prepd.
If you already have an account, and would like to create a team, log into the Classroom and select one of the options offered on the Home page:
- Create a Team - will offer you options for create a shared team account for your an your students
- Join a Team - you can use this option to join an existing team as a regular member or a coach
- Upgrade to Premium One - if you're competing on your own, here's where you will find the option for upgrading your account as an individual
- Using Chrome, log into the Classroom
- Click on the Billing icon from the left side navigation bar (if you cannot see this icon, you are part of a team as a regular member; switch over to your Free One account by clicking on your user profile image to create your own team)
- You can also find these options in the Profile Settings page (accessed by clicking the gear icon from the navigation bar)
- From the Billing page, select the "Create new..."
Fill your team information, configure your membership and add payment details (if you've opted for a Premium Team), and confirm.
Once you finish creating your team, you can start inviting your students, install the apps and start using Prepd immediately.
Note: The Free Team offers access to one Congress Docket and up to 100 articles. More detailed information on membership types, payment information and options can be found in our Payment Policies.